Edward Martinez

Entrepreneur. Activist. Writer. Optimist. Father.

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Edward was born in 1977 to a hard-working single mother who loved him dearly. As a young boy, Edward would often play soccer near his home in Washington, D.C. He spent many weekends cooking, eating, and exploring with his godfather, David.

Edward was born in 1977 to a hard-working single mother who loved him dearly. As a young boy, Edward would often play soccer near his home in Washington, D.C. He spent many weekends cooking, eating, and exploring with his godfather, David.

Soon after his incarceration, Edward’s mother passed away in a tragic accident. The hardest thing she experienced, her sister says, was not having Edward in her life as she grew older. Though he never got a chance to say goodbye, Edward honors his m…

Soon after his incarceration, Edward’s mother passed away in a tragic accident. The hardest thing she experienced, her sister says, was not having Edward in her life as she grew older. Though he never got a chance to say goodbye, Edward honors his mother by summoning her faith and her joyful spirit and by embracing their Salvadorean roots.

Although incarcerated, Edward strives to be as compassionate and caring a father to his five children as any. Despite the distance, he says, “They are my everything.” Edward ends every email and every phone call with “Walk Tall.”

Although incarcerated, Edward strives to be as compassionate and caring a father to his five children as any. Despite the distance, he says, “They are my everything.” Edward ends every email and every phone call with “Walk Tall.”

From prison, Edward has educated himself both in the law and in finance so that he can help himself and others with legal and defense work. Edward reads as much as possible. His latest recommendations are Tolstoy's War and Peace and Marc Howard’s Un…

From prison, Edward has educated himself both in the law and in finance so that he can help himself and others with legal and defense work. Edward reads as much as possible. His latest recommendations are Tolstoy's War and Peace and Marc Howard’s Unusually Cruel. Nelson Mandela's Long Walk To Freedom is his favorite book of all time. This book and his faith in God, Edward says, have profoundly affected him and encouraged him to speak out about injustice of all kinds.